March 17, 2010


Maybe?? I've been tossing around the idea.
I can't decide.
A list of pros and cons seems like a lot of work.
Input would be helpful.
Don't forget to leave your email address in case I decide to do something drastic soon.

ps... don't forget to read he post below this one. it's a lot more exciting.


  1. Pro: no creepy blog stalkers, and you know who's reading (and, often more importantly, NOT reading) your blog. There's a lot of stuff I blog about, or want to blog about in the future, that I'm really not comfortable with the idea of total strangers (or the random people who blog-stalk me on FB and then de-friend me 'cause I'm the "wrong" religion) reading about. My house building issues (and, indeed, where I live!), my fantabulous Temple experience, or whatever, are really for friends only.

    Con: you don't get to make new internet friends.

    That's why I have two blogs: it's the best of both worlds (except that, sometimes, one of them gets neglected).

  2. Well if you do go private, add me for sure. but here's my opinion. I got this advice from my sister... New people won't find you. Also, private blogs don't show up on people's news feeds (I use google reader, so I wouldn't check it half as much.) My sister had a good point when she said that you don't have to worry about it if you're not posting things that creaps might find you or use your information or something like that. Then again, maybe you're trying to avoid the creeps on the me?!? Just teasing, I only said that because we still have never met in real life.
    Good luck with the decision. I have tossed it around too but haven't actually done it.

  3. I think it is up to you. I enjoy reading your posts. Here is my email.
    See ya soon!

  4. Here is my take... I don't write anything I don't want people to read. Of course, I am a lot more open about my life than most people too. There are a few things I choose to leave out, but for the most part I am not embarrassed about who I am and what I do.

    I don't like private blogs because it doesn't show when you've updated and so I rarely look at them, not knowing if they've posted or not. It's a lot more hassle for readers, especially people who read and don't have google accounts because they will no longer be able to do so. Also, you are limited by how many you can invite, so not even everyone you know reads it will be able to now.

    Those are just my thoughts, but you have to do what is best for LIBBY! :-) Love you

    My email is if you do decide to go private

  5. If you do go private I would like an invite. :) I love reading all of your adventures. :)

  6. I added a live feed on my blog that showed me who was looking at my blog and from where... It bothered me that people I didn't even know were looking at my blog from out of the country! Anyway that is the only reason I went private but either way we would love to be invited.

  7. add me for sure, I love your blog,
