March 23, 2010

* .. Party Time, Excellent.

It's not that I need another reason to celebrate, it's that I have one and I'm taking full advantage of it. One Year ago this very day was just like any other day. I remember little things like ... it was a monday, I worked at ShopKo, and the night was spent staying up way too late talking to Colby about life and how bad I wish things could be a little bit different. We had this conversation a lot but that night it felt different. I knew more than ever that things were better and different and that everything was going to work out in my favor if I would continue to put my faith in the Lord.
I completely disregarded how 'different' the conversation was until I made a phone call two days later that changed my whole life. That phone call was made to the weber county court house. I gave them my case number and asked if there had been any progress made on my case. I then told myself that any news was good news and I would take anything they would give me and make it positive.
I remember the girl on the other end being very sweet and patient. She seemed kind of young and I was almost embarassed that she would find in my file that I was in the process of a divorce at such a young age. I wondered what she was thinking and then I remembered that these things happen all the time. I did everything in my power to make that marriage work and in the end, it wasn't supposed to.
She told me that the case had been processed, the judge had signed off on March 17, and it been put in the computer on March 23rd.
As the tears started rolling down my face she told me to have a good day. I thanked her twice and hung up the phone. One of the techs I work with gave me a hug and told me to take a minute in the back by myself. I called my Mom, My sisters, My brothers, and then Colby.
Colby was just leaving Provo headed for his Cruise. I remember being so grateful that Colby stuck around, that his patients never ended. I can't imagine him not being there through all of it, he was the most amazing friend and listening ear for that last month or so.
I'm amazed at where life has taken me since that early afternoon phone call. I'm a tiny bit nervous to see what's next. Sometimes I tell Colby that with all we've been through, the Lord now knows how tough we are. What on earth could he have in store for us next? I don't know but I'm pretty sure we can handle it together.
Today I will party like it's 2009. Cafe Rio for dinner (My sweet sister brought me this for dinner at Smith's last year and she's agreed to help me make it a tradition) and perhaps some ice cream afterwards.
My family is my whole world and I owe them all that I have. The support and love they've shown me (and continue to show me) is unreal. I can't thank them enough for all that they are and all that they make me want to be. Heavenly Father knew what he was doing when he blessed me with my amazing siblings and Mom who would give me the moon if it was made with real cheese. They are the reason I am who I am today.
Put on your Party hats fellow bloggers ..
Today is a day that shall be celebrated for years and years to come.
I'm inviting you to Party as well because we all know that some of you stalkers :)
have followed me along in this crazy journey called life.


  1. Here is my email incase you go private.

  2. Congratulations!!! Too bad we don't all have those party sticks that unravel and make noise when you blow through them. I'll be wearing my party hat for you, though.

    More people go through divorce at a young age than you might think. It's not a reflection on you, personally. One of my best friends, who's an extremely righteous man, got married at 21 and divorced at 23. He was single for awhile, and went through some rough times, but he's since remarried a wonderful woman. Nobody ever judged him, because they saw what a great person he was/is--and I'm sure the same is true with you. I can tell you, even from my far away state, that everyone in your life feels blessed to be in your life.

    As Mormons, particularly, we cherish a strong sense of personal responsibility; I think, often, our natural reaction is, "how did I cause, or contribute to, this problem?" But, like my MIL said to me once, in regard to a very difficult family situation (cousins who are suddenly not living by church standards, even in the slightest, and are terrible parents to boot), "sometimes it's NOT you". In that particular case, I'd expressed concern with one of their choices (which involved being fall-down drunk, at a family gathering, in front of their children--combined with such lovely comments to the children as, "you ruined my life"), and their response was to stop talking to me. Including at holidays. They still don't talk to me. I felt horribly guilty about it, until my MIL pointed out that, even though the situation was difficult, I hadn't done anything to cause it. Sometimes, we end up involved in situations that aren't of our own making.

    Your wisdom is in identifying the bad situation, leaving it, and finding a better situation. Many, many people in your situation would not have this wisdom. You should be proud of yourself.

    PS: I just heard, right before I read this post, from my sister, that a ward friend of hers (who'd gone through a horrible divorce, after her husband left the church) has just started *officially* dating the wonderful man my sister introduced her to. So, it's a good day for new beginnings all around!

  3. Also, please let me know if the above comment was just too long and awful. I can write shorter comments! Or, indeed, I can inflict less of my homegrown "wisdom" on you altogether...

  4. Libby, I think you are such a strong girl! I cannot imagine going through all that you have! You and Colby deserve eachother so much and I know you are going to have the most amazing life together! Congratulations to both of you for another milestone reached! Your wedding will be here before you know it! You're awesome!

    P.S. I am a stalker, I will admit it.
