March 25, 2010

*Click ..

My sister slipped me her sweet iphone the other night while we enjoyed family time at Tony's pizza. She had found a blog post that made her think of me and she knew I had to read it. As I did so, the noise of the 81 people (I believe that's that max occupancy) around me seemed to fade away. I read and read and silently wished that the post would never end.
I've never read Cjanerun. In fact, the slacker that I am, I've never heard of her or her blog. I was captivated by so many things in the blog post. 1. The teeny tiny details 2. The depth. 3. How close it was to my own story 4. #3 again.
Towards the end I heard Abby talking to me, As I looked up at her, she told me the post might make me cry. We then made eye contact and she could see the tears rolling down my face. We both just smiled.
I was kind of freaked out when I started telling Colb the story and realized just how close our stories really are. I went to leave a comment because you all know how much I love your comments but.. 201 people had already left one. So I Didn't.
I dare you to read CJaneRun's story. It's incredible. If I only I could share my own story the way she does. Maybe someday. Click Here For Cjane's story and you can leave your opinion about the post on my blog .. I can usually manage to get through 4-5 comments.


  1. Wow, Libby that was a powerful blog post from CJane. I do not understand how you are feeling and I'm sure I won't unless I ever walk in your shoes but reading her blog made me feel like I understand you a little better. How liberated you must feel! I am so happy for you.

  2. Libby, thank you so much for sharing this... I cried as well. Part of it makes me feel like a bad friend, because I never knew the heartache you went through until after. I still don't know the details, but I wish I could have been there for you. I'm sorry for not helping you more in your time of need. But I PROMISE to be better this time around. I love you, and I am here for you if you need me :-)

  3. YEP! Every word was almost exactly you. I kept thinking that it was you writing it...That's crazy! I find comfort in knowing that you know you're not the only one to experience such trials. And the story ends, or more like BEGINS, as yours is about to! AWESOME!

  4. Libby, I have read CJane for a couple of years now...her story and yours are alot alike...she is fabulous and deliriously happy now!! Just like you and Colby will be :)
