I didn't find a jacked up ipod, I found my very own little Jack Johnson jammin down the hall. That's right. I found my little brother Logan playing one of Jack's songs on the guitar. I couldn't help but smile. I know Logan has some serious talent when it comes to music and especially the guitar but he never ceases to amaze me. He was teaching himself how to play some new songs and he was rockin it. I LoVe getting my own mini concert everyday. It's the best.
When I had mistaken Logan for Jack I felt silly. I immediately thought of line from one of my favorite movies and I can't stop giggling about it. On the movie Out Cold when they are getting ready to race down the mountain they pull out one of their friend's wallets and make the contents the winning prize. One of the objects inside is a picture .. If I remember correctly the line goes as follows. "And a picture of his grandma, nope it's a picture of Nancy Regan." Ok now that I think about it, that sounds a little off but you get the point. It's one hilarious movie! I highly recommend this one. I must warn you though .. it does have some dirty parts. Enjoy!
Jack Johnson?? Nope ...
Logan Arnold ... Close though.
That's awesome! You're brother is So talented! I set a goal for myself to learn how to play the guitar by the time Keater Bug gets home. I'm pretty excited!