March 16, 2010


On top of the healthy foods I've been trying to buy .. Orange juice, apply juice, Veggies, and fruit there is always that one thing that no fail even with the coughs, colds, and sinus infections I've been battling the last month or so - I can't seem to live without.
It's that time of year again .. You know that time of year when Pillsbury brings out the Easter sugar cookies with the bunnies and chicks on em .. It's that time. Last month it was hearts and before that we had Frosty, reindeer, and Christmas Trees. These cookies are actually out close to year round which is great! Although a little slice of my wished they were a little bit harder to find because ...
1. I always buy them
2. I crave em almost constantly
3. There is no way they are even close to good for you.
4. I can eat almost an entire box by myself.
5. #4 Again
No real complaints though. The variety is great and who doesn't need just one more reason to celebrate all the different holidays? I'm so thankful even with the lack of holiday in August, that kids still go back to school. The 'Back to School' cookies with the bus always seem to taste the best.
I hope that Mr P never stops making these little round slices of heaven
.. I better run, the over timer just went off. Heaven here I come.

Aren't these Thanksgiving ones just the cutest??


  1. Wow...they're super cute, but I've never had them! I'm thinking about getting some because of how much you rave about them...but maybe I shouldn't I'm sure I could eat more than a box!

  2. I do love these. I tend to eat more of them raw then I actually bake! But I am there with you on this one!

  3. With me, it's Trader Joe's frozen chocolate chip cookie dough. It's the only pre-made dough I've found that actually tastes like real cookie dough. If you haven't tried it yet, don''s an extremely difficult habit to break :-)
