March 22, 2010

*3lbs ...

Logan and I were on our weekly adventure in Target just a few days ago when I found something that I didn't know I needed it until I found it. Now days I can't imagine living without it. However this particular item does run out and I'm not so sure I'll be able to drive back to my favorite store and just grab it off the shelf. I'm half -( more like 3/4s) tempted to go back and buy all that they have. I better do it before Colby and I combine bank accounts? Eh it's probably not that big of a deal, Colb does know he's marrying a crazy girl right?

I found a 3lb pound bag of Haribo Gummy Bears for $6.50 ..
Someone please tell me that's steal.
Oh who am I kidding ... Steal or not ..
You can always use em for food storage.

I found this picture when I googled Haribo Gummy Bears ..
I bet this guys wishes he could buy just one 3lb bag instead of lots of little ones.


  1. Haribo are the only gummy bears worth eating. Pure deliciousness. I'm glad to see my gummy snobishness has rubbed off on you!

  2. Libby! My mom said she saw you sunday and told you that she was blog stalking with you! I love love love reading the updates about you and colby! It makes me so happy cause you guys are both so darn cute! I am excited for your wedding! You deserve someone awesome like colb! I just thought maybe I should comment after all the time of stalking! :) p.s. I am headed to target to grab some gummy bears! Hopefully they carry them in NV! /karissa

  3. Cameron is hooked on them too! Whenever he gets deployed or anything he requests that we mail him some and while home I would be shocked not to see some in our cupboard. Which is shocking since its basically the only sweet that he eats. They sure are good though. You cn usually find the 3 pound bags at places like Costco or Sams Club.

  4. our food bill is mostly of candy.. No joke. Thats funny! :)
