February 09, 2010

Temple... Uncheck.

I called the Bountiful Temple today to see how many weddings they had scheduled for April 24th. 17. I told them I understood that I couldn't make an appt until I had my letter of confirmation from The First Presidency. NOPE! is what I was told. I wasn't expecting sympathy or for someone to break the rules for me but I also wasn't ready for what I got. That phone call was quite depressing. I've pretty much set in stone decided I don't want to get married in the Ogden Temple for a few reasons but the most important is that I'm marrying Colby Carter this time and I want all of it to be different.
My big brother Taft got married in the Jordan River Temple and it was gorgeous! Oh I loved it! I gave them a call just for kicks and got a completely different response. The lady who helped me was incredibly nice and so helpful. She made sure all my questions were answered and even wished me good luck with my letter.
A few minutes after I hung up I recieved a phone call from the Bountiful Temple. Apparently they have caller ID. They saw that I had called earlier and wasn't sure that all my questions had been answered. Weird. This lady was so sweet and even gave me a few words of encouragement with my letter. I was told that if I was willing to be flexible, they would have a time and a room available no matter what. awesome. However, I imagine the room they will have open at 7:00 am will only hold #25 people. We'll be keeping our options open.
Normally I wouldn't be stressing about booking the Temple but my sweet sister Abby (who thankfully hasn't let me throw in the towel on planning with all the stress) has been watching out for me. Along with all the fun emails and ideas she has sent my way, she also discovered that Saturday April 24, 2010 is the first weekend after Weber State gets out of school. AHHH!
I'm trying to stay calm. Worst case scenario, we all drive somewhere totally crazy with a temple and do it there. For now
I'm just glad that time is flying.
Have I mentioned lately that I can't wait to marry Colby Carter and have OUR wedding? I just wished it was all planned and there was nothing holding us back. I guess we can't have everything we want though right? I'll take what I can get!


  1. Hey Libby,

    I know things will work out the way you and Colby want them too. Be patient, the Lord is on your side! It will be an awesome day!!!! Can't wait to share it with you. Do me one favor though, PLEASE leave plenty of time for pics at the Temple before the rest of your celebrations. We want to MAKE sure we get EVERYTHING you want. Have a good one and keep your chin up. You are AMAZING.

  2. I hope you get that letter soon, how frustrating! Everything will work out and I'm sure you will have a BEAUTIFUL wedding! April 24 is my mom's birthday, what a good pick! You know what is funny, we are sealing Grant to us at the Bountiful temple on June 5. The lady on the phone that I got to reserve the room for me wasn't very kind either. Maybe it was the same woman? I remember getting off the phone and thinking, "Sheesh! Sorry I ruined your day by scheduling my baby to be sealed to me and my husband for eternity! I'm sure I ruined your day lady!" hahaha!

  3. OK, it's an hour away, but THE LOGAN TEMPLE IS AWESOME!!! GO THERE!!! LOL. Seriously, though, it's beautiful, and awesome, and so romantic.
