February 09, 2010

*Art Project

Colby and I have been challenged to start and get in the habit of family night. Yippee. I'm a procrastinator. Major. Colby however, is not. Last night I want over for a visit after work and he was all ready for our first Family Home Evening.
We've been joking about making a paper chain counting down the days until the wedding for sometime but of course with everything else that has been going on, it never got done. So our first Family night was spent doing just that. Each link representing a week day was Blue and the weekend (Saturday and Sunday count as one link to make it shorter) was Red. You didn't see that one coming did you. Ha! Wedding colors galore. I wrote the Date on each piece of paper and how many days were remaining while Colby constructed the lovely piece of work. I'm not going to lie, I was slightly dessappointed with it's length but hey, we've already been engaged for just over 7 months, what is 74 more days?
Maybe next week we can Bedazzle what is left of our art project?


  1. Craft projects are a great FHE activity! We actually went to Toys R' Us and picked up a really complex Star Wars lego model to put together. Hey, it's problem solving!

  2. That sounds like lots of fun! That is awesome you guys are starting now to get into the habit of having family home evenings! I love having family home evenings with Andy, its a nice time to be able to spend with him, when we are not studying.
