February 16, 2010

*Sweet Tooth madness

A few months ago Colby and I went and checked out the new 'Farr's Fresh' in Clinton. I loved it. It was delicious and I paid based upon the weight of my dessert not how many toppings I had put on. Best idea ever! I didn't finish all my ice cream, I never do. In fact, I never finish anything. Sometimes I get to the last bite and even though I'm sure it will fit, I can't bring myself to eat it. Paraguay is full of starving kids, just ask Colby. So, he eats it for me.
Yesterday I invited Colby to help me spend the gift card he had given me for my Birthday so we headed out to Farr's. I was slightly disappointed that white chocolate wasn't one of the current flavors but I decided to make the best of what they had. I settled for Cookie Dough with Butter Pecan Ice cream, strawberries, raspberries, black berries, almonds, and snickers with hot fudge drizzled on top. Sounds a little overwhelming but ... I was in heaven. I ate every last bite and when I was finished, I licked the bowl. The only person more surprised than me? Colby. He even went as far as to tell me he was impressed. yep. Impressed.


  1. Um, we freaking love that place! and I pretty much get white chocolate everytime I go. Super sad it's not there right now. We should plan to go together maybe? Just a thought

  2. Alas, there is no Farr's Fresh in New England. Massachusetts is pretty much a wasteland, when it comes to food. There's no good Mexican, either...
