February 22, 2010


Colby and I have been forced to put off so many of the wedding plans because we can't plan anything specific until we get our letter back from the first presidency. It's been incredibly stressful to not have a time at the temple scheduled or to put off making invitations because we aren't sure which temple will have a time available. We can't book a luncheon because we have no idea what time we'll be done at the temple. Oh so stressful.
Although we've been thinking and talking about it a lot, the last thing on our list was finding a place to live. We figured as long as everything else was working out on it's own time, this huge important detail could wait and would get taken care of eventually. Secretly it was stressing both of us out but we didn't talk about it much, there are other things that are much further up the list than where we would call home.
I got a text message from one of my dearest friends just under a week ago. She's moving and in hopes of helping the landlady out, she asked if we would be interested in checking out her apartment. We were incredibly excited but along with everything else, we didn't get our hopes up to high. We finally had a chance to take a quick look on Sunday while we were in the area. Sierra was so sweet to let us in and even took us to see another one of the 4 apartments in the house so we could see the selection. We tried to keep our composure but as we walked through to two places we kept squeezing each other's hands in excitement. As we walked to the car grinning from ear to ear, we talked about how perfect it was for us. We were about a mile and a half down the road when I text her and told her we'd take it!
It's so funny to me still how much the Lord knows and loves us. This has lifted such a huge weight off of our shoulders. The timing has been nothing short of perfect for us. Right as Sierra and her sweet husband move out, we'll be ready to move it. We can have our whole house set up before we get married. With engagements and finding a home in 2 days .. things are finally starting to feel real. Two more months and we'll be The Carters.
Thanks Sierra, you are the sweetest. The Lord sent you as my angel and you will never know how much you helped us out. We owe you guys so big. BBQ this summer?? :)


  1. I'm so excited that worked out for you guys!!! How cool :-) And, it's great to have a place to live.

    Everything will work out, with the wedding. All that matters is that you're getting married. One thing I experienced, when I was first starting to plan our wedding, was everyone asking so many questions about the place, the food, the dress, etc.--but nobody was all that curious about the boy! Who was I spending forever with? Nobody cared! I think that, with wedding planning, it's really easy to forget about what actually matters. Just remember: on your special day, Colby will be there, and the people you love will be there--and that's all that matters! Your wedding will be absolutely wonderful, no matter what.

  2. Libby, why did God bestow upon you the ability to make me cry?! No joke, I am sitting here on my lunch break bawling... people are giving me weird looks Ha ha

    From the first time I met you, I knew how special you were. Your friendship and example have been such a wonderful blessing in my life. There have been so many times I have wanted to help you through your trials, and not known how. I cannot tell you how happy I am that I can finally begin to repay the kindness you have shown me. You deserve such happiness and bliss in life, and I am thrilled to help you achieve that anyway I can.

    You and Colby were so cute together, after you left I just sat down and remembered what it was like to be engaged and so giddy-in-love (not that I am still not in love, but you know what I mean.) When Trace came home I gave him a huge hug and kiss, and I want to thank you again for reminding me of how lucky we all are.

    God really does have perfect timing, and while I am far from an "angel" I know that He has has His hand in all of this. He loves you Libby, and he wants you to be happy. He just so happened to have to make my dreams come true before he could make yours! I am so glad we're friends... I love you Libs!
