February 23, 2010

*Dear Hawaii

My cute family has decided to take yet another trip to Hawaii and how can you blame anyone? It's the most amazing place on earth. Logan and I talk about last years trip all the time. We had a blast. Colby and will have only been married about 10 days when they leave. We're incredibly bummed that we won't be able to take more time off and go but we're all planning to go again next year.
When the idea first came up, I was trying to describe Hawaii to Abby. She is the only one in the family (besides Linc who is just over a year old and has been everywhere else) who hasn't been. I was speechless. I kept saying it was amazing and what I imagine Heaven will be like.
I know my family is going to have an amazing time and I look forward to next year when we can all go together. I'm really excited to see all there pictures and to hear about the memories they've made.
Dear Sweet Hawaii, treat everyone well and help Abby have the time of her life. I don't want to be made into a fool or a liar.
Love: Libby

I LOVE this picture. Glass beach was one of my favorite places from the whole trip. Mom is the only one in this picture who will be going on the trip in May but I promise the rest of us will be thinking about the sunshine, the beach, the fancy drinks by the pool, and the salty ocean water.


  1. That IS sad! It's on my list of places to go... that picture is gorgeous :-)

  2. I hope to go to Hawaii one day. It's been on the list for a long time. Everything there seems so incredible:)

  3. I am so excited! Thanks for being excited for me, I know how it feels to be left home. Next time, when everyone can come, will be so awesome!

  4. Oh, I want to go to Hawaii! I've never been, but everyone who's gone says it's amazing. Hopefully some day...
