February 12, 2010

*B-Ball Player

Sweaty and tired and still incredibly good looking.
I sure do love Colby Carter.

I went and watched my babe play church ball last night.
He loves it so I figured I might as well find a little love in it as well.
The boys rocked it, they did surprising well considering the other team had players who were well over six feet and played college ball.
About 4 minutes before the game started, I found myself sitting next to someone who needed a listening ear.
He talked and talked and talked and talked and talked and talked and talked.
Although I missed most of the conversation, every time I found myself looking for a way out, I would glance across the court and catch Colby's eye. He would always be smiling, waving, and of course laughing.
I made sure Colby bought me ice cream after the game. :)

I was so glad I was able to get off work a little early and finally see what all the hype was about. Colby loves church ball but more than that he loves the guys he gets to play with.
Such a great group of guys.
Can't wait til next season!


  1. That's because church ball combines 3 awesome things: 1) basketball (the best sport ever, GO TERRIERS!!!), 2) church (Jesus rules!), and 3) brotherhood/sisterhood (friends are what make life work).

  2. Cameron loves church ball too...Sadly they don't tend to play over here...the church does not have a gym and no one is interested in going somewhere else. I always enjoyed going and watching him though and the ice cream stop is a must! :) I am happy to hear that things are going good. Take care!
