January 05, 2010

*made my day

I love those days when something so silly can make your day. Along with this picture, here are a few things I loved about today.

Today has been quite the day! I got a notice in the mail yesterday informing me I had a letter waiting for me at the post office. I hardly slept wondering what it could be. I was sure I was in trouble. I woke up early threw on jeans and a hat at headed to the post office. The nice lady showed me the envelope and asked if I wanted it. Ma'am I lost lots of sleep, I'm here practically in my pajama's and now you're going to let me choose whether or not I want to take it? I think I'll take it, thank you. I opened this supposed secret letter before I got back to my car and read what seemed like spanish. Confused as to why I was getting something about the house I no longer owned, I called Josh freaking out. He explained what it all meant and that it was all a big misunderstanding. Phew.
Up so early and a day off work, I headed to the health food store and ShopKo for a few things. I took my time at ShopKo, I sure love that place! I didn't find much but I was excited to find a steal on some sheets Colby's mom needed for her massage table. As I'm checking out the cute girl ringing me up says .. I hope this isn't weird but are you friends with the the Marietti family? I follow your blog through Holly's, i love to read what you're up to. I smiled and laughed. I could have been embarrassed that I was recognized without any make up on but instead I was excited that a total stranger enjoys my blog. Brit, you helped make my day!
I got a very sweet email on facebook today and it was exactly what I needed. I was informed that Bentley is doing great and loving every minute of his new adventure. Sometimes I forget that even though this life is mine, my trials affect so many people around me. They aren't just my trials, they are also trials for many people that I love. This person inparticular has been a giant inspiration to me. I know we'll be good friends forever whether we are related or not. She's amazing and I look up to her more than she will ever know. Thanks E for that email, I needed that today.
I love having people around me and knowing people that lift me up and help me not only desire to be a better person but to actually become a better person. I'm so grateful for the people that Heavenly Father places in my life, even if they only stay for a moment.

1 comment:

  1. glad my blog was a link to a new happy person for you! Is that Brit, as in Brittany Marietti Edwards- my Dad's twin brother's daughter? Small world, huh?
