November 10, 2009

*Oh so Thankful

1. I'm thankful for my Mom and the amazing woman and Mother that she is. Words don't express the appreciation I have for Leslie Ann. I often get told by many that they wish they had her as their mother ... YUP! She's the best!

2. I'm thankful for my job. I complain about working in the Pharmacy but it's so much fun. There is always something exciting going on and it's always a new day.

3. I'm thankful for Colby Carter. He loves me like no one ever has.

4. I'm thankful for new babies. My aunt Jenny and cousin Annie are due any day now both with baby girls, I'm ecstatic for both of them and I can't wait to meet the little angels.

5. I'm thankful for grand kids. The look in my Mom's eyes when she gets to see or talk about the kids is my favorite, I can't wait until I can add to the crowd.

6. I'm thankful for sleep and the feeling I get when I've had a full eight hours and I'm ready for just about anything.
speaking of which .. I have a full day of work tomorrow ... I better turn in.

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