October 29, 2009


My best friend Kendra Rae got married two months ago and it just occurred to me that I haven't posted any of the cute pictures she has of us. I LOVE these pictures. The Ceremony was perfect and the Reception turned out adorable, Her day was perfect and I'm SO glad I was able to be apart of it. Every time I look at these pictures I drool over her dress, it's more gorgeous than any dress I've ever seen, ohhh I loved it!
I was reading some old journal entries a few days ago and I came across a few things I had written about our friend Natalie's wedding day back in January of 2008 .. also a beautiful wedding .. I wrote that it was my hope and prayer that Kendra would follow the example that Nat and I had set and would marry in the temple. Long story short, I was ecstatic when K told me she was marrying Matthew and in the Logan Temple, I might have cried.
We've always joked that Nat would get married first, I'd get married last - but only after Kendra found someone who could take her sarcasm and strong opinion .. so I'd be lucky if I ever got my turn. Nat would have kids first, me last and Kendra very stubbornly in between the two of us.
We've had lots of late nights, many inappropriate laughs, tons of awkward moments, several uncomfortable situations, a million laughs, a billion smiles, some tears, a few fears, months apart, lunch dates, dinner dates, more memories than we can count and even pictures we promised never to reveal but through it all we've loved each other not matter what.

So here we are .. Nat got married first (kind of) I guess since I'm going for round two she can win that one. Ken found someone who adores her and loves every piece of her so now it's my turn. The best part about getting married last .. Advice from good sources and their families get to be apart of our day.
Natalie Jo is pregnant with her first baby and we can't wait meet little Riley in February, Kendra will be close behind .. I'm sure of it. And me well ... Don't put any money on any little kiddos in the next 4 or so years for us. I think we'll just enjoy the spoiled grand babies that my siblings are blessing us with for a while.
I love these two girls and I laugh every single time I think about the memories we've made, I hope that even as we continue to grow up and go our separate ways we'll always stay close and be able to be apart of big days in each others lives.

Natalie, Kendra, Me .. I LOVE this picture!

I look up to these girls so much. I'm so thankful for their examples of love and trust and I'm excited to have the kind of marriages that they do. Have I already mentioned that I love these girls??
Kendra & Matthew

Natalie and Case

1 comment:

  1. SUPER CUTE POST! We have so many memories! I remember sitting across from the room in the temple and the temple worker said they were waiting for one more couple then we could start. I turned to Matthew and said "It's Libby." ha ha ha! I was so right! You walked in a minute later!
