August 15, 2009

hard work pays off ...

Last night when I got home Logan walked up to me and gave me a big hug. Cute huh! Don't be fooled ... that means he wants something. I knew right off the bat what it was, but I played it cool and started to think of things I was going to make him do to earn it. poor kid. He needed my car for a date and I knew I was going to let him use it but if I make have him earn it, he appreciates it more.
For starters I sent him to Triple Stop to buy me beef jerky, (listening to country music the whole time) at 11:45 PM. He almost died, luckily we only live about a mile or so from the gas station. The jerky was delicious.... It's my favorite.
We ended the night by playing a game we used to play as kids. It was torture for him but we had a lot of laughs and I'll forever tease him for it. ps .. I'm still just as awesome at Old Maid as I was years ago.
Today I made him buy me dinner at Warren's ... I love their OJ Coolers ... YUM!
He's on his date right now, appreciating all his hard work. :) I'm sure he's having and blast and I hope he needs my car again soon! I love Logie and all the good times we have., He's hilarious and I couldn't ask for a cooler little brother. He's awesome!
Just a few random pictures of Log.
He looks sooo grown up in this one ... crazy!I stole this one from his facebook ... I'm not sure where he is or why that dog is eating his hair but I laughed just hard enough that my stomach hurts and my eyes are watering so I'm fine without an explanation.

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