July 08, 2009

LoVe ..

I found the most adorable wedding invitations online and our friend Josh is going to get us a sweet deal! Today I'm appreciating the little things in life and can't wait for everything to fall in to place. More than anything though, I can't wait for Colb to come home. It's a good thing he's rockin it out there or I'd be begging him to come home! I miss him but soon enough I'll have him forever! Love him!


  1. Okay...I was a little behind on reading your blog!!!! I can't believe you're engaged...CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so excited for you, and I also can't wait until Colby gets home, I think it's about time I meet him!

  2. Yea! Weddings are so much fun to plan (even though most people would disagree). If you need help, let me know! I'd be happy to assist you :-)

  3. It was so fun to see you the other day Libby! We better get an invite to the wedding =) I'm so happy for you! Hope to see you again soon!
