July 07, 2009

Girl's day ...

Early today I got a text message from Colb's little sister inviting me to play and I couldn't resist. We laugh so hard and always think of the funniest things. We got a jamba and tried to get a tan on her deck but just ended up talking about boys. She's my favorite.
One of my best friends in the whole world is getting married in August and I couldn't be more excited for her. She is the happiest I've ever seen her and she has a glow about her that I can't explain. I love it!
Today we had the chance to get together and finish up a few of her wedding details and our friend Karlee (the other musketeer) was able to come as well. On top of being able to find absolutely everything that Ken needed (including a zebra garter .. I still don't know how we found something so awesome) we shared some serious laughs and reminisced about so many of our good times. I've been through it all with these two girls and we have a million memories together. It was awesome to be able to just hang out and catch up. We've been the best of friends since 2nd grade (Kar and I go back further than that but we didn't couldn't cause enough trouble between the two of us so Ken completed our circle of craziness) but nothing could ever come between us. These are the girls that I could not see for 6 months and we could pick up just where we left off without question. It was so fun to see these girls today and to make plans for the near future so we can have something to look forward to. I am so excited for Kendra's wedding day and for the chance to have all three of us in the temple together. I can't wait!
I also ran into two other adorable girls today that I love to death and it made my day that much better. It's so nice to have the kind of people around me that make life so easy and enjoyable. Sierra and Lindsay are two of the cutest girls I've ever met, I could run into them in my pj's without makeup on and they could still make me feel so good. I love those girls and their cute smiles.
I love having girlfriends who help me love my life, it doesn't get much better than that.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to you and Colby, we can't wait to get to know him. He sounds like a great guy.
