July 11, 2009

A visit from the Peterson Fam.

Kady and her kids were able to come for a little visit and we had so much fun while they were here. It's always so good to see them and just when I did't think I could love these kids anymore, they shoot me their cute smiles. They are growing up so fast.

Things we like to do while they are here ...
#1-Hit the burger bar .. atleast once
#2 - Swim at the aquatic center
#3 - jump on the tramp
#4 - Eat at pizzaria ... atleast once
#5- get and ice cream cone from farr's ice cream .. also atleast once.
#6 - go shopping (not that our shopping compares to cali's but whatever)
#7 - stay up way to late talking and laughing.

We also got to talk wedding plans and we stopped at a wedding place and came up with a few fun ideas as well as a possible dress ... !

I miss them so much already! They'll be back in November though, can't wait!

Not only did I get them all smiling but .. I almost got all three of them looking. I couldn't do that again if I tried.

They LOVE the tramp!

Can you see the red inside my suit case?

They were helping me pack for Spokane and they insisted that I 'shut the door' before I put any of my clothes inside. They crack me up!
This picture makes me laugh ... Kady and Owen were soo tired but we were having too much fun for any one to go to bed.
Come back soon Peterson's ... Miss you like crazy!

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