January 10, 2013

Pregnancy Brain.

Pregnancy brain is real ya'll. I must tell you that it's really easy to assume that pregnant gals have one excuse for loads of stuff and by doing so, you'd be right. Being with child comes with all sorts of jibberish. I'm learning to deal with most but the one I can't wrap my head around is the forgetful/ditz dealio.
Milk in the pantry
(sealed) canned tuna in the fridge
Brushing my teeth before breakfast
Using lotion to wash my hands - a lot less effective than soap, ps. 
Adding new patients to the computer at work and giving them the same birthday as the date on their script.
     "Ya, they were born this morning right before they went to the dr about their high cholesterol."

The other issue I'm having? Dyslexia. No joke folks.
This morning Charlie came running in the house soaking wet. After a little research I found that the sprinklers had turned on - it's a long story that still doesn't really make sense. I called my boss to let him know I'd be in eventually but I wasn't sure when.

  "Our sprinklers turned on this morning and they are turning our pond into a backyard."

The silence on the other end got me rethinking my statement and I quickly stated what the real issue was. We don't have a pond and if we did, I would like to think that the sprinklers would be helping it, not turning it into a backyard.

I can't wait to love on this little boy. I hope he comes out with his Dad's brain. I was born blonde and according to a good portion of hilarious jokes, I never stood a chance.


  1. ha ha Libby you are the cutest! I think pregnancy brain may be Zach's favorite part of me being pregnant! He loves being able to laugh at all the stupid things I say and do!

  2. You just learn to embrace it. The dislexia was the worst for me especially with colors. I'd always get them mixed up. Good news is that some of it goes away after the baby comes. Bad news is apparently it gets worse with each kid. Good Luck! He'll be here before you know it!
