December 09, 2012

the inevitable.

     Happy Sunday. Sort of.
Nine o'clock church seems to be getting easier, we're getting much better at being on time and making time for Sunday naps when we get home.
This morning was going to be no different, until it was time to put on a dress.
Colby yelled from the next room asking if I was about ready and before I could answer, the tears started  flowing. We're not talking a few tears, I couldn't get them to stop. Colby found me in my closet, standing in a pile of clothes, sobbing. None of my skirts were zipping up. Before I had a chance to catch my breath, Colby was pulling my Christmas clothes out of bags.
         "Will this fit?"
Puffy eyed with mascara running down my face I found something to wear. My levi skirt and a sweater still fit this week but there is a really good chance that next week will be very different. We ended up skipping sacrament because I looked like a giant mess but eventually, we made it to church.

The break down was inevitable. I'm laughing about it now but I'm positive it will happen again.

The hormonal joys of pregnancy.    


  1. Oh the joys of pregnancy. I was telling Case the same thing yesterday. I said I'm not sure how long I can fit into a dress comfortably. But, your right it is all worth it in the end. Your so cute!

  2. So glad you have a sweet hubby to help ya past the crazy hormones! I remember the day I couldn't fit into a lot of clothes either, I did the exact same thing as you! Luckily its all worth it!

  3. I have a blog now. I will have to send you an invite.
