October 23, 2012

it's all in a name.

this whole pregnancy thing has me completely baffled. i cant get over the fact that heavenly father is trusting me with one of his precious children.  lots of the details are quite overwhelming but there are a few here and there that have me laughing.                     colby and i are always talking names. we have lists everywhere. i throw one out there, it gets written down, same for the mr. we agree on a few but disagree on a lot more. it has become a joke for me to blurt out names that im positive that even if colby did approve, there is no way it would stick.  in my effort to convince colby to teach our little babe spanish, ive added a few names to the list (that wont make the cut). diego is just one example. someone overheard our latest chat and piped in, with a negative opinion. i didnt kindly remind them that their say really isnt necessary but i did share a small snicker with the hubs. we will name this babe whatever we choose, and because im emotionally unstable and sometimes cant control my mouth, we wont be sharing with many until after the little one has made their debut. im in love with the idea of having a secret that i dont have to share until we are ready.      take that negative opinion. now you, are out of the loop.


  1. I didn't share names for the exact same reason! Congrats on baby carter :)

  2. You guys are going to be great parents! Exactly, no one has to like the name except for you two! Oh the things that pregnancy does to our emotions!

  3. we kept our baby's name a secret until he was born. it was one of the best decisions ever made because we didn't have any unwanted opinions or input. it was hard to keep a secret, but i plan on doing it with every baby to come. good luck!

  4. You are going to be the best mom!! You are going to be one of those mom's that I strive to be like!

  5. We're doing the same thing, not telling the name until our baby is born. We learned that lesson with our first two. Before your baby comes, everyone gives their opinion on the name. After the baby comes, people just say, "Cute!" I'm so happy for you! Hope you are feeling well!

  6. That's great. I wish we would have kept it move between Cody and myself because I would get (unwanted) pressure when everyone else liked a name and I didn't or vice versa. I think it's fun to keep some things between you two. Then it doesn't matter if you change your mind.
