They say that when one door closes, another one opens. I've always waited (sort of) patiently for my doors to close. There has only been a handful of times where I've wanted to physically shut a door so another one could swing right open; divorce, transferring pharms - you get the gist.
Today was my last day at Shopko pharm, not too bad considering I put in my 2 weeks multiple times but circumstances and people kept begging me to stick around. Now though, I'm done. SO Done.
I pretty much sprinted out of that place, no looking back. My friend Jake, who I've had the privilege of working with for 4 years (i followed him when he left smith's hell) followed me to my car, gave me some amazing flowers, and made me cry. The only hard part about leaving this place, is not seeing this dear friend as much. I had a good ride home as I thought about the millions of memories Jake and I share. He was the 3rd person to know about my divorce - behind my Mom and you-know-who. We're super tight and I truly will miss not seeing him at work.
Speaking of the ride home. Some out of state fire fighters caught me singing to the radio and they waved. That will make my day faster than ice cream for breakfast. It's interesting what will boost your confidence when you think you're on cloud 9.
The new pharmacy opens Monday morning at 9 am sharp. No nights, no weekends! Here comes 40 hours a week and scrubs with my name embroidered!
All the "firsts" that have hit the Carter home over the last few weeks has been a bit much but life continues to take us exactly where we need to be.
Where will you be working at now?