Yesterday was no exception.
Sacrament was good, Sunday school was great. *A boy in my class may have mentioned that he wishes I taught every week. (he is also 17 which somehow means more than coming for an 8 year old) - guess who the cool Sunday school teacher is.
Annnnnd I came about 6 inches away from skipping relief society. But their is a new couple in our ward and I wanted her to feel welcome so I forced myself to go so I could say hi. (she's a doll)
Turns out, the lesson was just. for. me.
Scripture study.
I'm not good at this. I read them but not nearly as often as I should. For me, this is a pass/fail grade. If I only read them on occasion, I'm failing. If I try really hard and I'm getting something out of it, BOOM!
I pass.
I'm getting sort of sick of failing. I took great notes and a good attitude home with me. I shared all my thoughts with Colby and we set some new goals.
Yesterday was our first weekly (sundays) Scripture Picnic.

We read (at least) a chapter and we eat lunch. During the week when we don't see each other, we are responsible for ready 9 chapters and we will meet again next sunday at our picnic to discuss what we've read and then read some more.
After church I rushed home while Colby endured yet another meeting. I was so anxious for him to come home to our picnic that I waited on the front porch and read the Ensign!
I am so excited to form this new habit and to already have it set in some sort of stone so that when we have little ones join our family, we will be able to pass it on.
I wish I could explain the feeling I get when I talk about this, I've never been so anxious to read read read. :)
You are so cute Libby! That was so nice of you to go to relief society to make her feel welcome! I love your guys new way to help you get to your scripture studying in!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea Libby! I'm so glad that you shared it, because it seems so doable... :)