March 08, 2010

*SoOoO sSsLoOoOoWwW ...

Mom and I went and purchased a few decorations for the newest reception idea. She let me go crazy and I loved every second of it. She had a million ideas, all incredible. I was ecstatic to bring it all home. I can't wait until it's all up and this party can start. We came home with some really cute stuff, a huge variety. I have some family the work at Real Deals so they've been stashing some great stuff for me. I had a blast with Mom and Logan was such a good sport to carry everything. My amazing Mom has also decided to make a bunch of different cookies for the reception and this might be what I'm most excited for. She's been experimenting the last few days and we've been in Heaven. She's a great cook anyway but she's found some really great ideas. Oh I can't wait!

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