March 09, 2010


I gave Colb some Jazz tickets for Christmas.
The tickets were for two games in January and a Bees(z?) game this summer.
We had a TON of fun when they played the Nuggets. I'm not a huge fan of basketball but I was so entertained. The Nuggets only have one white player on their team. ONE! He calls himself 'The Bird Man' I watched and waited for him to do something 'bird like' all game long. He never did anything special but he kept my attention for the entire game. I kept asking Colby why 'The Bird Man' wasn't playing. How come I can't see him? Why is he the only white player? What did he have to do to prove himself to be good enough to play with a bunch of amazing black players? ha ha ha. I'm pretty sure Colb started to get annoyed with all my ridiculous questions but he was a pretty good sport.
I bought the tickets with my friend Kristin so we met up with her and her husband Jamon.
We had a blast with them.
We ended up skipping the second game we had tickets for but we had fun enough at the first one to count for both games.
Thanks babe for letting me be the one you took to the games.
I can't wait for next year!

The 'Bird man' He was soo rad!

Me and Colby. Isn't he the cutest? Oh I love him.

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