March 06, 2010


Sometimes when I think about the last year and the distance Colby and I have come, I find myself complaining that we haven't come farther. Why isn't in April right now? Why aren't we married? Why can't we just go home to our own house? I seem to forget quite often how far we really have come. It's a really long ways. We've accomplished a ton. I'm not going to lie, I really do wish the wedding day was tomorrow but since that isn't going to happen for another couple of weeks, I'll reflect on how much fun we've had in the journey so far.
I've been writing a lot of things down in my journal so that 1. i get in the habit of keeping a journal again 2. I can go back in years and years and laugh about the way things used to be and 3. Someday I want our kids to be able to read about our dating times. I want them to know how much their Dad has always loved me, how sweet he has always been. I think it's important for them to know that Colby has always .. even from day one.. opened the door for me. He always goes second so that I can go first in anything. We've always done things together that WE want to do. He never does those things that make feel embarrassed or awkward in front of people.-this one is big- He always sticks up for me. He never EVER says anything that he knows will intentionally hurt my feelings. He always has my best interest at heart. He always puts my needs before his own. He always reminds me that he loves me.
We've come a long way. Much further than I ever thought possible. Sometimes we talk about 'firsts' and it's hard to imagine that I've been married before but I've never had the type of marriage that Colby and I are going to experience. It's a whole new ball game. I'm excited to get started and to be able to come home to 'our home' everyday. To start 'our' life together. To start our own little family and someday share all our memories and experiences with them.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for Colby and Libby! Don't forget to send me an invite though...
