March 12, 2010


You guessed it! Our letter came in the mail today! Colby stopped on his way home to check the mail at my house and he called as soon as he realized it was real - which was the second trip to the mail box- I couldn't keep working. I begged my boss to let me leave 20 minutes early and he tried to persuade me to stay. Ha ha! I got stuck in traffic but I finally made it home. Colb was sitting on the couch waiting for me. I quickly changed my clothes. Asked Colby if he was ready, and I opened it. It was short, sweet, and right to the point. I cried and cried and Colby held back the tears.
We've been granted permission to be sealed as of March 9th. WoW! We immediately called the Jordan River temple and booked our big day. 10 am it is. We're so excited!
We cant wait to finish all our plans and get everything planned.
Now ... Where do we start?
We're so grateful for all the kind words, messages, thoughts, and prayers. We truly felt all of them.
Can't wait to celebrate! Oh I love Colby C!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congratulations!!! I knew it would all work out :-) Your marriage is meant to be, so there was really no other logical conclusion :-) I'm glad you're going to get the wedding you deserve.

  3. I am so happy for you, congrats!!

  4. Oh I am so happy for you guys. I didn't doubt that you would get permission but it was a little suspensful for me waiting to hear what happens. Congratulations you two! Good luck with the rest of the wedding planning!

  5. Congrats! That is so awesome!

  6. I'm so happy for you!!! My dad's a single's ward bishop and he always tells me how stressful this can be for people! Good for you deserve it!

  7. Congratulations! That is great news. You guys look so cute together. Can't wait to see the wedding pics. :)

  8. YAY!! I'm so happy for you guys! What great news =)

  9. Oh Libby... you are such an amazing person! What a wonderful blessing in your life. I could not be happier, and it could not have happened to two more deserving people. God bless you both! :-)
