February 28, 2010

*Runnin and runnin

I woke up with a massive headache today. Massive. I got ready and headed for church anyway. I made it through sacrament and couldn't take any more. As I walked home I replayed the three talks that were given in the meeting. Our two full time Elders and a Sister who leaves this week spoke. I loved all the talks given but the one I can't stop thinking about was given by the sister. She spoke about preparing for the St. George marathon. Four months prior to the race, she couldn't run 2 miles let alone 26. A great friend of hers helped her train and get ready for the big day. With each new day she would run just a few miles more. When race day came she had last run 20 miles. She was ready and she was stoked. She hit mile 19 and hit a brick wall. She was sure she couldn't continue. Her mind went back to the first few days of training when she could barely run 5 miles. She thought about the basic things she had started with that had gotten her where she was in that moment. Just when she didn't think she could run anymore, she saw the city of St. George and the temple. The end was near and she could see it. Mentally she didn't think she could handle the rest of the race. Finally she let her brain shut off. Her mind completely backed out of the race and her legs took over. She finished.
She compared the first few miles she trained with to the Gospel. If we can get the basics down- Scripture study, prayer, tithing, church and temple attendance - those things will carry us through the rest of the journey. Once in the habit of these few things, our legs will be able to take over and do the rest.
I take this to heart in life. As Colby and I stress about the wedding planning, money, the drama that comes with life - we sometimes forget how we got to this point in our lives. We fell in love. Those first few miles were tough, really tough. I was struggling with the heartache of divorce and Colby was struggling as he watched me hurt. We were apart for a summer. (Which doesn't seem that bad now that he's home.) He watched from the sidelines while I fought tooth and nail to write a letter that will hopefully grant us permission to be sealed. We've been engaged for nearly eight months. The list could go on but it all goes back to those first few months. I remember distinctly the night we knew we were supposed to get married and be together for eternity. I also remember going home that night and praying to my heavenly father. Begging him to keep Colby in my life. Everything in my world was moving so fast and so much of it seemed out of my control but I promised myself that I would do everything in my power to keep this one in my own hands. Here we are. Almost a year later and we're just under two months shy of being married. Can't wait. I know we've had our ups and downs but we've learned so much about each other and where we want to go next in life.
Starting today I'm letting my mind back out of the race. I've put on my very favorite Nikes. My legs will be carrying me through the next little bit. I will turn my mind back on only when very important decisions need to be made. I hope Colby is up for the challenge of making all the decisions .. I know he can do it. Until April 24th .. Enjoy your vacation mind. Have a good time. Don't forget to come back ready and refreshed for whatever may be next.
*Ps .. her talk also gave me just a little bit more courage to run the half-marathon in Huntsville in September. It's going to be awesome. Get ready Legs. It's running time.

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