February 01, 2010

BiRtHdAy bIrThDaY!

My birthday is coming and it's coming fast. February 4th.
Colby Proposed to me on July 4th. I reminded him that same day that my Birthday was 6 months to do the day away and he had better not forget.
I have a lot of fears, some come with reason, others are mostly ridiculous. One of those fears in my family forgetting my birthday. This has never happened so I'm not sure where this fear came from but it's been around for a while and I'm pretty sure it's not going anywhere.
I Love celebrating my birthday for weeks. In fact when the new bathroom cleaning schedule came out at my Smith's Pharmacy, I had a girl switch me so I wouldn't have to clean it during my birthday month.
Two weeks ago Abby asked me if I wanted my present early. Umm ... Yes! I went over to her house and she gave me the cutest beanie/headband. Oh I love it!
Last night my Mom got home from California and as she was unloading her suitcase and showing me all her new things she tossed me a bag from banana republic. (this store makes me drool) She told me it was my birthday present from Kady. Too excited to wait 4 more days I opened it up. A new cute shirt and some gorgeous earrings. Heaven.
I love birthdays and I love surprises. I don't want February to end.

1 comment:

  1. February is a good birthday month. It's Jim's birthday soon, too. I haven't figured out what to do for/with him yet, though.
