December 01, 2009

Really?? REALLY??

Colby and I went for an ice cream cone last Saturday and this is the image we caught in the rear view mirror. Supposedly we got pulled over because I have a broken tail light but they also mentioned that they should impound my car. It wasn't registered, licensed, or mine. umm WHAT? The officer told me it was still in Josh's name and that Josh said he had sold the car. He suggested we leave the car until we had things figured out but we decided to drive home instead.
Mom called the DMV first thing yesterday and they told her I needed to come down with my license, pay ten dollars, and they would send me on my way. Not the case. I was told the bank never put the title in my name and without Josh they couldn't do anything for me. I went to the bank and was told the DMV needed to request a copy of the title but they couldn't give it to me because my name wasn't on it. I went back to the DMV and they told me I couldn't request a request because the car isn't my mine.
We finally got a few things figured out. The bank didn't have Josh sign off on the title, instead they had him sign as a co-signer. Lovely! The only way for them to let me have a copy of the title is to have Josh go with me to the bank, then to the dmv, then back to the bank to bring the title back. For real?
Libby: Ummm... I haven't talked to Josh since last spring ... You want me to just call him?
Bank: Ya, that would probably work the best
Libby: What do we do if this doesn't work?
Bank: This is probably your best option.
Libby: So this is my only option?
Bank: Ya pretty much.

Libby: Is this Josh? This is Libby and this is the most random phone call you might ever receive.
Josh: Oh hey, what's up?
Libby: I got pulled over last week and they told me the Honda isn't mine, it's yours. Apparently it's still in your name.
Josh: That's weird, so what do we do?
Libby (in my head) really??? This is just this easy??
Libby: They told me we have to go to the bank together, pick up the title, and then go to the dmv to figure it all out, then go back to the bank.
Josh: Ok, when do we need to do this?
Libby: Really? You will do this for me?
Josh: Of course, lets get it figured out.

This whole thing has been a huge inconvenience and I've been pretty ticked off. I realize that it's all out of my hands and I can only do so much but I hate when I have to ask for help especially when that help requires me to have to drag Josh into it. Every single time I try and do something with this car, the bank requires him to come in and sign something.
He has been exceptionally nice and really cool about all of it which has been really lucky. I know he would always do whatever he could to help, it's just frustrating to know that this could have been taken care of a long time ago but it wasn't.
Colby was really sweet about all of it and he held me tight as I cried on Saturday. I feel really bad that Colby is constantly having to deal with all the drama that comes with me being divorced but he's such a good sport. I know I'm going through this trial for a lot of reasons but sometimes it's hard to imagine that someday this will all be behind me. I'm so grateful that Colby has been there for me through all of this and that he has loved me the way that he does. The Lord knows me and I'm beyond blessed to have Colby, I wouldn't be where I am today without him.
Hopefully I'll have some good news to post about the car soon.


  1. Libby, that's complicated. I'm glad that Josh was nice to help you out. That sounds crappy. I'm glad that Colby is patient with the whole situation too. What a nice guy you snagged! Good thing it's all figured out now.

  2. I'm so sorry... It really is a blessing that Josh was so cool about everything! This is why everything Trace and I buy is in both of our names. Should anything every happen (divorce or death) I don't want to have to fight anyone about it
