December 08, 2009


This is a door handle .. it's also the letter C! C is for Carter.

Last night I called Colby on my way home from soccer, I told him how my game went and he asked me to come say hi. About ten minutes later, I pulled into the driveway. I walked right in, (like I always do) his parents said hi and told me my dinner was in the fridge. They rock. I asked where Colby was and his mom said he was in bed. Confused, I looked at the clock. 7:54. His Dad told me that Colby looked tired so he told him he should got to bed and finish studying for his final in the morning. I hesitated and then ran up the stairs, I told them I wanted to say hi and they just laughed . I walked into his room and the light was off, he was facing the wall and it was quiet. I whispered his name and he quickly rolled over. He wasn't asleep yet! I made fun of him for being 80 and in bed before 8 and he just laughed. I told him it was getting late and he should probably get some rest. He laughed. He asked me about my day and I put it in a nut shell. I told him goodnight and he asked me not to leave. I sat on the edge of his twin bed and told him if he wanted, he could bring it when we got married. We talked about life and laughed and before we knew it, an hour had passed. He kissed me on the forehead and reminded me to let him know when I got home safe. I haven't been home without Colb before 9:30 since ... the summer while he was in Washington? I moved his car into the driveway so he wouldn't get a ticket and I ran to the grocery store. Colby needed a treat to share in his math class and I thought he could use a few things for his last day, I put together a small 'Last day of school survivor kit' and called it a night.
I got a phone call at about 7 AM .. It was Colby and he was on his way to pick up the cookies. He was excited about the survivor kit and thanked me for being so thoughtful. I wished him good luck on his last final and told him not to stress too much about it. He kissed me and asked how he got so lucky to find me, A perma-grin came across my face and I've been smiling ever since. I went back to bed anxious to get a few more hours and I realized I was too excited to sleep. It occurred to me as I lay in bed reading from my phone, that my life and my reality are better than my dreams. I know I'm the luckiest girl in the world and I couldn't have a better life but every single day I get a reminder that tells me so. Every single day.
I got less than 5 texts from Colby today, He had horrible service at school and he was in his last final for a few hours. I was a nervous wreck all day long. I probably stressed more about this test than Colby did. I had to catch my breath when he finally called to say he was done and was heading for home. He asked if he could take me out for chinese to celebrate. I've been craving chinese food since October 31st when we went to lucky china for halloween... it's out of control! Colby takes me to lucky china a good 2-3 times a week because it's all I ever want. Tonight we found out our waiter's name and he asked for ours. Cory. We're now on a first name basis. He has our order memorized and he's expecting us to come back on friday. We could (or should) be embarrassed but instead Colby asked for a punch card. They don't have one.
We did a little Christmas shopping and laughed until we cried and before we knew it, it was time for bed. Real time for bed, not 8:00. He asked me not to leave and told me that I could stay if we referred to the night as an eight hour nap. I laughed and told him that if he played his cards right, in 4 1/2 months we could share his twin and we wouldn't have to call it a my nap.
I drove home in the cold cold car still smiling as I thought about my day. I'm so grateful for this life and for the chance I have to live it.
I can't wait to be Libby Carter.


  1. You are so cute... I love you Lib :)

  2. I love to read your stories, they are always so funny and happy!

  3. Libby, I was glued to your little story. My husband came and tried to talk to me and I couldn't pay attention to him and I had to tell him to go away because I was enjoying your blog story. I loved it! So cute! There is nothing better than to not have to leave your husband once your married. It makes everything so much better that at the end of the night you can just get in bed together! Gotta love that!
    Haha, the other day I had a dream that I actually met were in the same sunday school class as we were. Strange dream but I thought it was funny so I thought I'd tell you. Haha.
    Oh, and I totally love Lucky China! It's really the best Chinese food! My favorite is their Scheszwan Chicken (I know I can't spell that). Yum, that sounds delicious.
    Thanks for the cute love story. It's fun to read about people's love life now that I'm married and boring.

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