November 17, 2009

Mr. President

Colby got a new calling a few weeks ago .. He is now the President of the Stake Young Single Adults ...? I can never remember. He is the President of something in the YSA .. your guess is probably better than mine.
Love him in suit!

Colby will be incredibly busy for the next few months. As soon as I heard the new calling I told Colb I'd see him in the spring. We often joke about moving up the wedding date because it will get him out of a lot of the work.
As busy as he is, I truly believe this was a calling from the Lord. Colby is definitely a people person and if anyone can handle this and have fun with it, it's President Carter! He's already doing great!
Part of being the President's fiance is spending the weekends participating in activities put on by the stake and the region. Lucky me! No but seriously I complained all last week about the upcoming 'Harvest Hangout' and when it finally came I ate my words. A couple from the stake came and taught a few line dances and we shared a lot of laughs. I'm not a dancer and luckily neither is Colby. There was one dance where we were the 'head couple', we made huge fools of ourselves and before it was over, I was rolling on the gym floor laughing. It was SO much fun and we had a really good turn out.
I know I already posted a picture just like this one but I found this one on facebook and I like it better. so ... Enjoy double dose!

just getting started

Me and Colby's best friend Dall ... He is such a good sport!

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