November 10, 2009

blog stalker .. still

I follow all the blogs listed on the left side of this blog .. plus a few more. I'm a crazy blogger but I love to see what is going on in peoples lives and learn from them.
I've recently been addicted to a few blogs in particular and I've decided to take on some of the few things they have been doing, I love to read their updates and lets be honest .. My blog could use a little spice.
Starting today .. I will take a picture every day to add to my picture journal. I'm really excited about this .. I never have an excuse to take pictures and some of the pictures Tami has taken have turned out super cute. stay tuned!
A few people have started the 'Thankful in November' post, I love this idea! I have a lot of catching up to do but I intend to be Thankful for atleast 30 things this month.
Thanks for sharing all your fun ideas girls .. I'm loving the blog updates!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a blog stalker too... I try so hard to comment on people's blogs but let's just face it, there's no way to leave a comment on every blog I look at. Anyway, you will LOVE doing a picture a day. It has really changed the way that I look at things. Seriously. It is so hard to remember every day to take a picture but since I'm doing this little "Project 365" I have always had to keep my camera in my purse. It's amazing how often I think "I wish I had my camera so I could take a picture of this" and then I remember that I do have it. It has been a blessing sometimes. Anyway, I love the idea of finding things to be thankful for...I think I'm going to focus my pictures in November on things that I am thankful for. Ya, good idea! I love reading about you and Colby and how happy you are. It's amazing how much Heavenly Father really does know us. I'm so happy that you are so happy! (P.S. I don't know if I have ever "officially" met you... I was telling my husband that you are going to do a picture a day thing and I couldn't remember actually meeting you. Haha. I feel like I know you though, is that weird?) Good luck with your picture a day. (My dad calls it P.O.D.)
