October 12, 2009

A different kind of money ..

An older gentleman walked into my pharmacy a few months ago, he set down a pack of Rolaids, emptied his pockets and asked if he had enough to pay for them, I told him that if he included the golf tees -with out the pocket lint - then he just might have the right amount. He grinned and asked me to count what he had. I discovered he was 2 pennies short and he pulled out a twenty dollar bill to cover the rest. Normally I'd let the patient break their big bills but this guy made me smile so I told him that I refused to take his $20 and told him a golf tee would be sufficient, he offered all three but in the end I took just one and he promised to play his best with the other two. I think about this incident every day. I'll probably never see this patient again but his smile and the way he paid for his medicine made my day.

I was really excited to tell Colby about this incident and I knew I'd get a chuckle out of him. I keep the golf tee in my change container in the car, every time I reach for change I just laugh.

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