September 15, 2009

LoVe ..

This picture makes me smile ... I wrote this in the sand in Hawaii. Logan made fun of my for not writing it the other way around, I wrote it this way because I made Colby say it 'I Love You' first.
Growing up I remember my Grandparents always reminding one another that they loved the other but I never EVER remember either one of them saying I love you too, it was always I Love YOU.. as if it were a competition in who said it first. This has always stuck with me, with my friends, with my family, and with Colby. Just another reason I love to hear (or say) I love you.
Colby does little things everyday that tell me just how much he loves me. Every single day I'm reminded just how lucky in love and life I am .. I've definitely had my fair share of trials and tough times but it was worth every single tear and 'why me?' moment to get where I am today.

Lately I've heard a lot of stories similar to mine where girls found themselves in a position just like mine where their marriage took a turn in the wrong direction for reasons unknown to them. They were left confused, heart broken, and crushed. I wish I could get together with these girls and help them through their tough times. I know all our situations are different and that we're different people but I would love to teach them what I've learned and share with them how I've become the person that I am today. Stronger!
I'm so grateful for my trials today, for the lessons and blessings that have come from each one.


  1. What a sweet post... love is a hard, scary, difficult thing. But it is also the strongest thing in the world! Great post Libs :-)
