September 08, 2009

A lot to blog about ...

Okay not really.
I've been working A TON - 5 days a week. Sounds normal right? ya not so much. I work 35 hours in 3 days at Smith's so the other two are a few extra hours I get to work at ShopKo. Yes get to, I really love that pharmacy sometimes.
Colby is back to school and so far enjoying it. He was really excited to go back and it made me pretty jealous. If I knew I was going to enjoy it that much, I'd go back for something.
Mom has been living the dream and traveling to California to visit the kids whenever she can and we miss her dearly when she's gone ... We've eaten enough cereal to feed an army. Luckily the Carter's have graciously invited us over for dinner more than once and Taco Time and Burger King aren't too far away.
Colby and I took Logan and a friend to Bear Lake on Saturday. Our family has a cabin up there so we decided we might as well take one more vacation before summer ends and go up for the day. We got up there and no one else was up there so we took full advantage and stayed the night. Logan and Zach's friend Aubrey is going to school at Utah State so she was able to join us at the last minute and I'm so glad she did. She's adorable and so much fun. (plus she was able to bring a few more blankets)
We felt very unprepared ... not my favorite, luckily I have two 'soccer game' blankets in the back of the car, we bought toothbrushes at the gas station, and ate dinner at one of our favorite hamburger joints. So tasty!
We didn't stay as long as we had liked but we did run into one of my really good friends and it made my whole day. We knocked on the cabin above ours to open the gate for us (way to late at night, sorry) and Scott walked out. I met him and his adorable wife Shay through Josh and we've kept in touch through all of this yucky divorce stuff. They are such a cute couple and I'm so lucky to have been able to stay friends with them. I was hoping to see Shay before we left but we left too early on Sunday. We need to get together soon though. I was excited for Scott to meet Colby and Scott was equally excited for me.
I went to Sunday school with Colby on Sunday, the lesson was on eternal marriage and it was awesome. Something I said sparked an unnecessary debate. Read the next post to catch the juice.
Sunday night I went with the Carter's to family home evening with Holly's family in South Jordan. It was SO much fun. The food was delicious and as usual, the company was a blast.
Labor day turned out to be a pretty lazy day but I loved it, a lazy day was exactly what I needed.
Colby and I are running a 5K on Saturday so we went for a run yesterday to get ourselves ready. Colby did surprisingly well (he claims he's not a runner) and I didn't do as well as I had hoped but it was fun. I've always had this mental picture of running a race with my husband and my little family someday (is that weird?) I read a post on Holly Williams blog a while back about a race their family ran and it made me cry. So cute! It feels so good to have Colby's support and know that he's enjoying it as well. I'm really excited to run with him this weekend, hopefully we do well .. We might have a chance if he can keep his silly comments and jokes to himself. Laughing slows me down and takes all my energy.
I spent the majority of my day off being a lazy bum and refused to do much of anything. I took Logan and his friend Josh to the mall for lunch - only because Chick-fil-A was giving away FREE chicken sandwiches if you were rocking any attire from your favorite athletic team - I just bought their drinks!
I purchased a few had to have items and we ran into one my favorite families of all time, the Varney's and I go way back. I dated their son Cody several years ago but I've always stayed really close with Sunny and Scott. They were really excited to see me and it was good to catch up.
Colby and I went for chinese, roamed target (my favorite), purchased Jamba's for dessert, and watched Fever Pitch .. I love that movie!
I'm a little sad the vacation weekend is over for a few reasons .. 1. Summer is just about over 2. I have to go back to work. 3. Colby has to go back to school.
On a much more exciting note though, We're headed to Island Park a week from Friday and I can't wait. It will be nice to really get away and be able to stay for more than a day.
There are only a few much I'll post pictures from Bear Lake soon.

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