September 29, 2009

BW in Concert

My family and some good friends were able to attend the Brooke White concert last week, she's amazing. The concert was so much fun and I can't wait for her to come again. Benton Paul from Salt Lake City opened the show .. He was amazing and I can't get enough of his cd. Michael Johns also came, I love his energy. Brooke was last to preform, she was my favorite, she's hilarious and you can tell she loves every second of sharing her music. David Archuleta surprised everyone and came out for 2 songs .. The crowd went wild. It was a really fun night, my family is always a blast.

on a side note ...Colby and I parked on the street and I didn't want to carry my purse so I quickly grabbed the cash from my wallet, put it in my pocket, and locked it in the trunk. We were waiting for the show to start when they said my name over the PA and asked me to come to the entrance. It wouldn't have been weird except they called Elizabeth Arnold .. I went to the front and there was a young couple holding some money, they asked if I was Elizabeth and then they handed me the money. Confused I counted the money and noticed there was a tithing slip in the middle. Apparently when I grabbed the money from my wallet I snagged a tithing slip as well and then I dropped the money somewhere between the car and the concert. With all the horrible things going on in the world you kind of forget that there are still honest people out there... I didn't get their names but I know their honesty will bring them blessings. I can't help but laugh as I think about all the little things the Lord has done for me, especially in the last little bit- Just some reminders that I'm living my life in a way that the Lord is able to teach me, help me learn, and be there for me. I love it.
Logan, Cousin Gracie, Mom, Brooke, Abby, Aunt Jenny, baby Lucy (coming soon)

The whole crew


Me and Colby .. Thanks Colb for coming with me, I knew you'd enjoy it!
Logan and Colb

Jon and Abby ... These guys are always making me laugh. The Love they have and show for each other is so cute.

Jon, Abby, and Mom

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