A Honda is what I pictured in my dreams . Silly, I know. As a kid I remember riding in the car and seeing happy families driving Hondas .. Not that my family wasn't happy ... we just didn't have a Honda. Oh my .. I'm way off track ... anyway ... When Josh and I bought a new car two years ago we had a couple options. We came across a place who takes totaled cars, fixes them (or so it appears) and sales them. It never even occurred to me that there would be a chance the car would have problems down the road ... We bought a 04 Honda Civic and I immediately fell in love! That was June of '07 ...
October of '07 .. a week before Halloween I hit a cat (a black one might I add) and it cracked my bumper from top to bottom .. I was devastated ... We didn't get it fixed because we didn't see the point.
February of '09 I'm going southbound on I-15 in the fast lane going about 75 mph and the hood flies up. It flew up so fast and so hard it shattered my windshield, ruined both hinges, sent the rear view mirror flying, and dented the roof... I then had to cross three lanes of traffic to pull over .. that was the scary part ... Colby so kindly tied the hood down and I jimmy-rigged the rear view mirror ... it was hanging on with rope and I got sea sick every time I had to use it.
June '09 I realize the registration is expiring and there is no way it's going to pass inspection. Colb had taken it in to get a quote while I was in Hawaii and I stared at the piece of paper until I was sick. I finally called the bank and ask about adding on to my loan so I can pay to get it fixed. They give me the go-ahead and the repair shop can't get me in for three weeks ... I make the appt anyway and cross my fingers hoping they get an opening before that. They didn't but those three weeks came and went pretty quickly.
After a ton of paperwork - lots of questions - less answers - and a lot of tears ... I got my car back!
Apparently when I took out a loan in January so I could keep the car, the credit union didn't have Josh sign off on the title like they said they did so .. He had to go in and sign .. He was really cool about it and it's a good thing .. The bank told me to wait til the car was done to sign for the check and then when it was done they weren't going to give me the check. ... That would be the reason for the tears ...
Everything ended up working out in the end but my new favorite repair man explained a few things to me that were quite disturbing .. The hood flew up because some of the parts weren't welded back together properly (and it wasn't shut tight) ... talk about a safety issue. That snowy February morning ... the one where I must have eaten some luck for breakfast ... could have ended a lot worse ... Somehow no one was hurt and I was just a little shaken up.
I give Mike Anderson a High Five and eight gold stars for the awesome work he did on Bandit. I will go back to him for everything. My car looks awesome and he was so patient - He explained every little detail to me and called me every time he had a concern or an idea on saving me every penny that he could. I couldn't be more pleased with his customer service. I'm super excited to have her back and the thoughts of selling her have recently dwindled ... I'll probably drive her til she dies!
Did I mention the car was two different colors? I had him make it one solid color while he was at it!
Check out My hefty bill .... $$$

Laugh: I eventually laughed (several weeks after) about hitting the cat .. He walked away from the accident but there is no way he's the same cat - I was going 40 mph .. :/
Learn: I learned that life isn't cheap and accidents happen. Which is why I've forgiven Logan for jumping his friends car battery when he was in need and not shutting the hood securely when he was finished.
Love: I love my "new" car .. I'm excited to keep driving Bandit and to love every minute of it!

great post! It was way fun to read! I'm glad the car is "all better."