July 26, 2009

Dilemma ...

This might be the most random post ever but I could really use some opinions so if you ever leave a comment on my blog, make this be the post you comment on.
I need to delete my old blog (the florence blog) but I have a million posts on there. SO many good times .. Do I just delete it and save the pictures OR do I pay a little bit of money to have it made into a book? Obviously it all happened and it's still a part of life but is that weird to have a book pretty much outlining my last marriage? I could probably delete a few posts and be fine with what is left but I can't decide what to do with the other posts. I would never EVER want to erase my past, I've been there, I lived it, I learned a lot and I wouldn't take any of it back, I am who I am because of where I've been. But ... I'm not trying to hold on to the past, just enjoy the memories. Let me know what you think ... THANKS valiant readers!


  1. That's a tough call... Here's what I think (and it may not be the right thing to do) but I think you should make a book out of it. Like you said, it is your past and it did happen. Although maybe it won't be a book that you set out on the coffee table for all of the world to see, at least you will have it to look back on and remember all of the things you learned and how truly blessed you are. Like I said, that's just my opinion. Good luck deciding what to do.

  2. I agree with Tami. Your blog is kind of like a journal. Would you throw your journal away? I would get it printed then if it gets too weird or you decide you are good without it you can get rid of it then. But once you delete it it is gone.

  3. I think a book is a good idea. I mean it's not like you have to display it on the coffe table or anything, but it's always nice to be able to look at past experiences and what they meant to you and what you learned.

  4. Agreed, make a book. Sometimes it's funny to go back and read, sometimest it's sad, and sometimes the past makes you really grateful for the present. Definitely keep it, it's too precious to just delete.

  5. I think I would just make it private and not invite anybody to read it. Then it's still there if you ever want to make a book out of it, but you don't have to make the decision, or spend the money right now. Love ya!

  6. Libs, I would buy a flash drive and put it on there until you decide what you want to do with it. Then you can delete that blog but you don't have to worry about papers getting ripped or lost or anything like that. It's like a journal, just because things didn't work out how you planned you don't want to go and erase it. That's what I would do. Good Luck. Let me know what you decide to do! Love ya

  7. If you honestly can't decide right now, make it Private so no one can read it. This still gives you the option of ever making it into a book if you want to, but it gives you time to decide. You can talk it over with Colby and decide together. Your feelings may change after you've been married to him for awhile.

    Your past has made you who you are, and I personally would print it into a book. I have photo albums with old boyfriends and lots of cards, letters and pictures that I would never take out. I realize BF is different than EX-hubby, but still the same concept. The memories are something you never want to lose, for better or for worse. Even if seeing them is just a reminder of how blessed you are now, they are worth having :-) Love you Libs!

  8. Wow! I think i would ask your new man what he thinks and if he doesnt have a problem with you making a book i would. I like to remember the past but it is the past and i think we should always look forward!

  9. I think the book idea is a good thing. That way you have it and don't have to worry about it anymore. You can never get back any of that stuff if you delete it and blogging is sort of hard work. I'm sure your new hubby to be will understand you keeping it. He obviously loves you no matter what anyway! Good luck on the decision!

  10. Brett Hein here lol (The Edwards Scowl is mine and Zach Bloxham's football blog, everyone feel free to check it out.) Now that the confusion is out of the way...
    I would make the blog private to give you plenty of time to decide ... and make sure Colby is cool with whatever you decide -- I'm sure he'd be fine with whatever you decide, but just gotta make sure :). As for whether or not to print it ... I'm super cheap, I would have a hard time paying money for something that was here-to-for free.
