August 31, 2014

Life of a Mom. This Mom.

Motherhood comes with all sorts of bumps, bruises, and challenges but the rewards are top notch and make it all worth it. 
 I'm the first to admit that I was a bit harsh before I became a Mom; can you not hear your kid crying? Are you intentionally ignoring the tantrum? 
  Here I am, 16 months later and I'm that mom. Finn watches TV, he eats fruit snacks before dinner, and sometimes I let him have chocolate and cookies for breakfast. You know what? I have no shame. 
   Our little dude is a Mama's boy and I love everything about it. I'm the first one he runs to when he's hurt and he wants me to know before anyone when he is excited or has something to show off. My hearts skips a beat when he says or does something that I've been trying to teach him. Those good moments outweigh the bad, constantly. 
 I fall more in love with being a Mom and my sweet boy every single day. 

 This boy is full of smiles and giggles, what's not to love? 

This photo is full of Love with a touch of the Itsy Bitsy Spider. 
I hope our next little one is just like Finn.

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