July 28, 2010

*Remember the Reminder ...

Colby doesn't always love his job but, he's good at it. Really good. JDH decided to go 14 hr days - 7 days a week - 3 whole weeks.  He goes in at 5:30 AM and gets off (sometimes) at 8 PM. That's 98 planned hours a week. Did you know there was 98 hours in a week? Neither did I.
  He's a trooper. He rarely complains and he always gives 100%. Just a few days ago I was giving him advice on how to slack - just a little. Although it doesn't seem like a problem. Colb gets right in, gets dirty, works himself to the bone, and then stops for lunch. Gets back at it - again - and takes a break at 8 PM. On the drive home. Any normal person would be completely exhausted by noon.
  I was super excited to beat him home tonight. Clean the house up a little, do laundry, make something delicious for dinner. Colby called just before go time at  Smith's, he told me they'd be an hour or two longer. Two hours later I get a text - eat without me - they brought us chicken. Know what that means? I bet he gets off at midnight. Don't worry though, he gets to sleep in til eight tomorrow. Eight. Can you imagine?
  I already know that I'm married to someone incredible but then I ask him about his day and he says he is a little tired but his next few checks will pay for a few semesters of school and then asks how my day is... I'm at a loss for words.  Sometimes, at the end of a 13.5 hr day, I cry because my feet hurt so bad. Well, I used to.
I don't know what I did to deserve Colby, I really don't. I will however, continue to thank the Lord daily for all my many blessings and love Colb more than I did yesterday and more than I could have ever imagined.
Several times a day I remember how Lucky I am and I'm reminded just how much Colby loves me.

1 comment:

  1. You do deserve such an amazing guy! I know how hard it is to be alone so much. But remember, it won't be forever. And Remember, he is doing it because he loves you! And seriously, I live like a BLOCK away! I am alone almost every night. We can be married widows together
