June 22, 2010

Paranoia? Probablia ...

I drove home from The ol ShopKo tonight.
Nothing new.
Story of my ridiculously boring life.
Made a sad face when I realized I wasn't coming to home to Colb but kept driving.
Convinced myself the guy behind me was following me.
I'm still sure of it.
Hopefully I threw him off when I drove around the block.
What would I do if he were really following me?
Rumor has it driving to the police station is your best bet.
Day dreamed a nightmare that even though the car tells me I have 132 miles til fill up that I'd run out before I got to the Police Station.
My stomach started turning.
I probably could have thrown up.
I more than worried the hub on the other end of the phone.
Can't help but wonder how many nights I'll make it here alone.
Max is 4
I say two.


  1. another good bet even if you have NO military affiliation is driving up to the military gate and explaining that someone was following you and you didn't know where to go. They would help no matter what.

  2. Oh Libs... I am so sorry. I get paranoid too. I've had far too many close encounters, so I would rather be paranoid than a victim. Feel free, any night at ANY time to come to my house instead. There are a few fine gentleman who would be happy to protect you, with guns if necessary. And there is a spare bed at my house, if you need it. You are always welcome :-)

  3. That is good advice that the knudsens put! I am the same way as you are, and whenever I get home I run inside and turn on all the lights so that it doesn't seem like I am the only one home. Pretty weird but it makes me feel better.
