June 15, 2012

the job of jobs.

It's not uncommon for me work 6 days in a row and still not pull 40 hours from those days. Most of my shifts include 9-3 or 5-9 which are spectacular when I'm driving to and from work with the sun still shining and the thought of having the rest of the day to complete chores but, I long for 'grown up' job of 9-6. I drool at the thought of not working nights or weekends and being able to do laundry during the day instead of in the middle of the night when I MUST wear blue scrubs the next day.
    I've worked really hard to get where I am and that "grown up" job, is just around the corner. I can almost taste having 1 full time job and not a single part time job on my calender. I look forward to the day when I can put my puppy Charlie in her kennel at night after a few hours of play time rather than right as I walk in the door. Big things are happening with work and patience is paying off.

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