May 06, 2012

what's in a name.

Working in the pharmacy gives me a chance to see some pretty crazy, even bizarre names. It's obvious that hippa laws make it impossible for me to share any of them with you but I will tell you that just when I think I've seen or heard one that can't be topped, we get a new patient and I'm proved wrong.
 For a lot of the people I work with, it makes them appreciate the 'normal' names they've given their kids but for me, it makes the possibilities seem endless. I always say that I can't wait to have kids so I can give them super crazy names. Most of that's a lie, part of it is true.
  Stay tuned.
Growing up, I didn't know another Libby and I loved it.
It's become quite popular since then but as a kid, I thought I was the exception to the boring name game.

On a side note, is this the biggest name tag you've ever seen? Sheesh.

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