April 05, 2012

Burn, baby burn.

Every once in a great while I find a blog that makes something look easy enough for me to try on my own. This would be the reason for this blog post. It had been a solid ten years since I'd used a curling iron and it showed. Imagine losing your dominant hand (the one your write with) and then being forced to sign about a hundred things with your other hand. That's exactly what I felt like. As the curls went on, I did get faster and slightly more confident but you still wouldn't recognize any of them as 'curls' as you wouldn't recognize my 'signature'. 
 My hair turned out decent but it's not even close to as long as Steph's in the blog so it looked more like a circus than 'natural curls'. I kind of liked not turning to the old straightener for a day and in my sudden boost of circus confidence, I went for the same 'do' the next day. Epic. fail.
 I looked like the lion from this so called circus but I continued. I was positive the curling iron and I would be dear friends by the end. I was wrong. 

My hand gets a little too close ONE time and it takes a few layers of skin without question. 
The Pharmacist at work offered lidocaine ointment to ease the pain until the end of my shift. I turned to the Lavender oil when I got home and the pain is all but gone and it's already scabbed over. 

I think I'll continue strengthening my bond with my straightener. 

1 comment:

  1. Funny story. I tried one of her other hair tutorials using a curling iron. It didnt turn out so great either! I stink at using the straigtner too though. Hope it starts feeling better soon!
