March 30, 2012

"The Colby"

I'm constantly preparing for some sort of race. I've caught the running bug and it's here to stay.
 In 3 weeks  I'll be in the heat of So Cal Ragnar having the time of my life, yet again. My sister said it best when she stated that Ragnar is 'her' race, and I'll have to second that. It's a team effort ad nothing less. It takes the success of the entire team and everyone's efforts to get us to the finish line. We spend 30 (or so) hours (straight) running 200 miles with 12 members, 2 vans, very little sleep, not much food, and plenty of adrenaline.
 My husband thinks I'm completely crazy for paying someone to let me run. I've probably said this before but when I talk about Ragnar, it sounds more like BRAGnar if you've never done one. I've tried on several occasions to explain the rush I get when I run this race and that crossing the finish line quadruples that feeling but, he doesn't get it.
Recently he approached me with what he referred to as a Ragnar 'alternative'.
I give you - 
Colby drives you to the city of Delta, Ut. 
You're given one bottle of water.
You run you're way home. 
No van support.
No one cheering you on.
No food.
No 'rest.
And ...
There isn't a single soul to 'roadkill'.

If you survive, he throws in a shirt and a sticker for you car. 
Oh, and it's 'free'.

Not only am I flat out refusing to even laugh at this 'alternative', I've talked Colby into running So. Cal Ragnar with me in 3 weeks. 
We'll see what he has to say about 'The Colby' after we cross the finish line. 

1 comment:

  1. The Colby doesn't sound like very much fun at all. :) I'm impressed you talked him into it! when we move back, you can count us in!!
