November 18, 2009

SoCcer PlaYer ...

I started playing with a new Soccer team tonight at the brand spankin new indoor center in Kaysville, it's amazing!
I played Goalie for half.
I haven't played goalie since AYSO but I didn't do too bad.
My favorite part??
Seeing Colby in the stands knowing he was enjoying it and loving watching me play.
As I was leaving, my team told me I did great and they hoped I come back to win the rest of the games for them. HA, not by myself team!
I'm in Heaven.
Loving every minute.
My team is an absolute blast.
Can't wait for next week.
I LOVE me some indoor soccer!

Will someone buy me this sweet ball??

1 comment:

  1. I was reffing there the first week it opened and obviously men had built it because they had glass lights and NO net! We broke 6 lights in 3 games and had to stop and vacuum each time. It was retarded... hopefully they've fixed it since then :-)
