September 21, 2009

Island Park ... take 1

My Uncle Chris let us stay at his cabin in Island Park this last weekend and we had a BLAST. We did most of our favorite things and the weather was perfect.
I took a million pictures and even started a new hobby .. so much fun. Here are a bunch of the pictures .. more coming soon.

I gave Colb a piggy back and he broke my necklace .. luckily it was a quick fix.
All of us at big springs .. I love this picture.
This little guy is growing up way too fast, but right now he's at such a fun age. He's walking and he's all smiles.

Almost everybody. Big springs had a TON of fish to feed and we even saw a few muskrats.

Logan jumped off the bridge on to Colby's shoulders .. I had to take a picture.
We probably had a little too much fun in this store .. This is Chelle.

I can't take him anywhere ...

Abby .. I laughed for quite a while after I took this picture.

Taft and Lesha at the Pizza restaurant. Best pizza crust I've ever had.

Me and Colb

Taft made his face every time I told him to smile.

ha ha ha ha .. oh chelle!

Me and Logie

Mom, Colby, and Lesha .. West Yellowstone.

Taft, Logan, Abby, Jon, and Chelle

We parked the cars for a little bit and Lesha let Lincoln out of his car seat .. he loved the wind in his hair.

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