i was just enjoying my day off trying to think of a reason to update this crazy blog and i felt a little lick on my big toe ... ah ha! i've had a dog almost my entire life (except for the cat we had when i was really little) it's something so small that has always put a smile on my face. when i got married we wanted a pet but didn't want to pay the extra fee for a dog so we settled for a turtle ... not the best idea i've ever had. not that it was my idea. the turtle was a lot of fun. for about the first eight minutes we had him. he was more work than he was worth and it wasn't until after we had brought harley home ...he was a fast turtle ... that we were told turtles can sometimes live for 50 to a hundred years. talk about committment. luckily in the new house we didn't have room for speedy gonzales so we gave him to my cousin isaac who now treats him like a hollywood star. that turtle wouldn't have me back for all the fish in the sea. when we decided to buy a house and then found the one we wanted we packed our bags. moved in to my mom's crib. and bought a pup .. although he remained nameless for a few days he had my heart wrapped around his little paw within minutes and those dark blue eyes still make my heart melt.
when i packed up and took a road that lead life in a new direction i knew i wouldn't be able to do it without the love of my life, the one little guy that loves me no matter what and knows exactly what to do to make me smile.
so here we are, living he dream at my mamma's house and lovin every minute. the hardest part about moving home was .. well moving home. i remember the first night i wanted to go out with my girlfriends and my little brother told me to be home by 11:00 and my heart sank ... i looked and my mom and silently begged for no curfew. living at home with no curfew was a challenge getting used to. i'm settling in just fine.
back to the reason for this post.
when i was a senior in high school, for christmas, my mom got the kids a dog. she let my nephew (who was strongly pursuaded by his uncle taft) give the fur ball a name. steve. still to this day i love when he barks at the people walking by and i get to yell it across the yard. someday i know a passerby named steve will stop and give me that look that says .. what?
steve and bentley get along great and bent is constantly reminding steve of his years as a young puppy. bent sleeps in my bed. he always has. he always will. when steve realized that bent got to sleep in the house and he didn't, he wasn't happy. one night i decided to let steve in my room just to see how he'd do. it was in the top 5 worst nights sleep i'd ever had. but i kept letting him in thinking he'd start behaving and after 6 months, we're all sleeping soundly. i love these guys. they make me laugh atleast once a day. every morning when i'm getting ready for the day steve runs in to the bathroom and starts tipping over the garbage can, and just like i do every day... i snap my fingers really loud and say no. and just like he does everyday, bentley grabs steve by the tail and drags him out of the bathroom. it's a great feeling to start the day off with a laugh.
bent and i have learned a lot over the last year and a half. i dream that together, along with a tall, dark, and handsom man, we can grow old together. he is the love of my life and i couldn't live each day without his energy and kisses. he's my partner in crime. my cuddle bud. and the only one i can count on to get up in the middle of the night to sneak a treat or two with me. i truly feel blessed to be his owner. i have high hopes that with all the treats and toys i give him, he'll choose me as his owner in the next life. i'll keep you posted.
every once and a while they both sneak up on me and start giving me kisses. somehow i got a picture of one of those times.
this would be steve before his summer hair cut. i love his hair like this.
ha ha you're so cute!